More Newcomers for Fitness with Fun

A total of seventeen people this week, including two men. It really feels that we are getting somewhere now. I believe that the large the group the more I can help individuals by being able to set graded exercises.

After the warm up jog, stretching and drills, the exercise was what I call Diagonals. Basically it is to walk or jog the short ‘ends’ along the side lines of the football pitch. The run across to the diagonally opposite corner. Jog the short end and then back across to the start corner. I set this to be done twice then rest for five minutes and repeat.

I have to impress upon the runners that the walk / jog sections are recovery periods and they must not try to catch up with those in front. Everyone should concentrate on their own training not someone else’s.

This exercise saw the faster, fitter people stringing out the group. This is one of the reasons why I am keeping the efforts fairly short in duration. It stops people from believing they are not good enough.

There was talk about wanting a group tee shirt proclaiming their membership of the Plodders. I must research suppliers.

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