Mind the Racing Car

The class was attended by seven people this week - the best so far.

Everyone went for a warm up walk / jog around the perimeter of the field which is about half a mile in distance. This was followed by the usual stretching. I emphasise that the whole body needs to be worked on, not just the legs. I advise working from the head down in order to remember a sequence. This can then be worked through as part of the warm up for all exercise sessions.

For this week’s exercise I had plotted out an area which used the centre line and front of the penalty area line across the football field. So they were presented with an effort as follows: Walk / jog along the side line – run across the centre line – walk / jog along the side line – run across front of penalty box – twice. Then a five minute rest and repeat.

To liven this session up was the remote controlled model racing car which was speeding around part of the field!

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