To exercise or not to exercise

Yes, many of us exercise whilst going about our daily business. This however doesn't work on an overall fitness of the body. Whatever the physical aspects of your day it will still bring added benefits to undertake a varied exercise regime. We all need a well rounded program if we are to keep up muscle tone and flexibility in all areas.

Well what about the weather? Maybe it's too hot, too cold, too wet, too windy, too foggy. No it's not. Get the right clothing and exercise in the right place and/or right time and everything will be fine. It just takes a bit of planning.

Don't feel too good? Got aches and pains? May have a cold coming/going. Got a bad head. All excuses. Get going with your chosen exercise and your general all round feeling of wellness will improve.

Having said all that I would urge you to be careful and not push yourself too much if there really is something amiss.

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