Burn 500 calories
1 Cut down on your calorie intake. In other words watch your diet.
2 Take exercise calculated to use up the calories.
To burn 500 calories take a walk for one hour at a steady, fast pace. The distance should be about six miles.
To exercise or not to exercise
Well what about the weather? Maybe it's too hot, too cold, too wet, too windy, too foggy. No it's not. Get the right clothing and exercise in the right place and/or right time and everything will be fine. It just takes a bit of planning.
Don't feel too good? Got aches and pains? May have a cold coming/going. Got a bad head. All excuses. Get going with your chosen exercise and your general all round feeling of wellness will improve.
Having said all that I would urge you to be careful and not push yourself too much if there really is something amiss.
Walking - the simplest exercise

As an exercise, walking is almost discounted by some. This is probably because we walk around every day. If, however, you put your mind to it and decide to walk for a set period of time it will be very beneficial. The walking we do in the course of our every day living is usually in fits and starts. It is done in short bursts - say from one shop to the next. What is needed though is a sustained period of time if it is going to produce the desired results.
Work up to a walk a day of not less that 20 minutes without stopping for any reason. This has been found to be the shortest time which produces any benefits. Of course, you can walk for longer than this. It is good to vary the length of your walks from day to day once you are used to the exercise.
So you are thinking of walking as a fitness exercise? Stop thinking - get out there - and do it.
Are You Walking Long Enough?
According to experts walking is the best kind of exercise that you can do! Unlike jogging, walking is easy on the knees and according to some experts even burns more fat.
How could it be? How could walking actually burn more fat than jogging? I personally don't claim to have the answer but I will say this - experts advise that if you walk a treadmill or walk outside that you actually have a minimum amount of time that you should walk to even begin burning fat. This "magic time" according to some researchers is around 20 minutes.
If you walk 10 minutes or 15 minutes don't get me wrong, you are still burning calories and building muscle in your legs but for the fat burning effect you should plan on walking at least 20 minutes a day 3 days per week.
A good routine to follow is 2-3 days of resistance training along with 3 days of aerobic activity. You could lift weights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and walk for twenty minutes on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
If you find the idea of walking a treadmill unbearable then there are many other good activities - fun activities - that you can do that will help you to lose weight such as Raquetball, Basketball, Baseball, Football - basically any activity that gets you moving.
Always remember to follow the advice of your family physician before beginning any excercise program. There are many ways that people talk about when it comes to losing weight but in my opinion the best program is one that includes proper eating habits along with regular excercise.
Bill Vlass is not a doctor and does not even claim to be a weight loss expert. Bill at one point however lost 110lbs and he did it by using the methods he writes about in his articles.
You can visit Bill's website at http://www.instantehealthinfo.com
Bill always encourages anyone beginning any diet or excercise program to check with their local physician first.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Vlass
Gauge your fitness level with three simple tests
I've just found this very well set out article for you. It really does have all the essential components detailed. Do go and have a look.
There are three unique components of fitness: strength, flexibility and cardiovascular capacity, and it takes all three to be truly fit. Physical fitness isn't just about how much you can lift or how far you can run, and a person who excels in one area could be floundering in another and not even know it.
Read more..........
New Lifestyle
On Monday, I did something monumental. I took an early morning walk. That's not so remarkable, except that I am almost never up early, let alone walking anywhere.
Great ideas in this article but please don't launch off into everything at once. Exercise is best done regularly for the long term not in short bursts that are so extreme you just can't face any more.
Go take a look at the full article:
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My intention is to provide ideas for exercise that you can undertake regularly and happily come back for more.
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