Your Guide To Exercise

Any exercise, no matter how small, will help you, so keep at it!

You will get the most out of exercise when you enjoy doing it so you should pick an activity that you'll enjoy doing.
There will be time to wonder if its the most effective exercise you could be doing later.

The biggest mistake that most people make when they start an exercise routine is the choice of exercise. Most people start out excited, and they pick a really hard exercise routine to start out. They also tend to pick the type of exercise that is recommended to them, instead of one that they enjoy.

This will cause people to get sick of the routine within a matter of weeks and eventually stop exercising altogether because they just can't find the energy or motivation to stick with the overly hard program they chose.

This is something that you should make sure that you don't do. Any exercise is better than no exercise at all, so if all you feel up to doing is walking, then you should walk.
Study after study has shown that even people who do only twenty minutes of exercise as little as three times a week have better health than they would otherwise.

Obviously once you get settled into doing some exercise you'll want to begin to step up your routine. A good example is if you like cycling then go for a short cycle ride every second evening, after a while you will notice you can cycle for longer without getting tired - this is your fitness increasing. So when you reach this stage you might want to try cycling further or maybe cycling more frequently.

Perhaps you already get some exercise every day and you feel confident and happy with your ability to complete your designated exercise. You should consider stepping up your exercise program - exercise more and do it more often. For example if you go for a short walk three times a week then try to find the time to do the same walk four or five times a week.

If you find your exercise is getting boring or monotonous then you should look to change the exercise you're doing, add some variety by doing a different exercise instead. If you become bored you will begin to dislike your exercise routine and this must be avoided.

If you're looking for a good type of exercise, you should look for something that works your entire body. For this reason, it might be a good idea to invest in a small exercise machine, or in a membership to one of your local gyms. By exercising all of your body, you'll be able to increase your muscle tone everywhere - which will generally make you feel healthier.

The most important lesson is don't get discouraged. If you are in an off mood and can't bring yourself to exercise, then accept that this happens everyone - it's your body's way of saying it needs a day off! But the important thing is to not let that day off become a break, don't break your exercise routine for more than a few days or it will be very difficlut to get back into it.

Even if you end up not exercising for so long that you get out of your routine, that is no reason to give up. Just start exercising again - no matter how much or how little exercise you do, it will always benefit you. Whether you're looking to continue or change your current exercise routine, or you're just starting to exercise again, good luck!

Peter Hilsper is webmaster and editor at ROAR Exercise
which is crammed with the best in health information, links and articles. For more information, go to:

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